
Anorak News | Sex sells! seriously, who knew?

Sex sells! seriously, who knew?

by | 4th, September 2013

sex sells

ONE of the less surprising findings from Forbes magazine this year is that the top earning author in the world is EL James. You know, Shades of Grey stuff:

Then there’s “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

E.L. James — known to her friends and family as Erika Leonard — didn’t follow any of the rules for getting to the top, but she’s there all the same, debuting on the 2013 top-earning authors list with an estimated $95 million in earnings. (FORBES bases its estimates on sales data, published figures and information from industry sources between June 2012 and June 2013.)

Who knew that sex sells, eh?

I will admit though that my favourite part of the story (apart from the obvious fact that they are all appallingly written) is that they were originally written as fan fiction: yup, fan fiction for the Twilight books. Quite possibly the only time fan fiction has outsold the original: although not, of course, the first time a worse book has outsold a bad one.


Posted: 4th, September 2013 | In: Books, Money 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink