
Anorak News | Leads cast in Fifty Shades Of Grey… so start imagining them naked now

Leads cast in Fifty Shades Of Grey… so start imagining them naked now

by | 4th, September 2013

GOOD news everybody! The lead roles of Fifty Shades of Grey have been announced! You haven’t heard of them, but no matter, because the main bit of their job is to do a lot of sex, which is nice.

For those who must know, the British Charlie Hunnam and US actress Dakota Johnson will be taking their clothes off and talking to each other with clunky euphemisms, while Mumset tut about it all, before secretly frigging their collective pelvis off.

Author EL James (that’s initials, rather than a Spanish thing going on) revealed the news on Twitter, ending months of speculation that half hoped the naked people would be famous.

If you’re still wondering who Hunnam is, he was in Queer as Folk and is in Sons of Anarchy. Johnson… well… she’s the daughter of Miami Vice star Don, and Melanie Griffith (below) and was in The Social Network.

Charlie Hunnam arrives for the European premiere of Pacific Rim at the Imax cinema in London. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Thursday 4th July, 2013. Photo credit should read: Ian West/PA Wire

The movie is scheduled for release in August 2014.

Until then, furious onanists will have to remember that the internet exists and that you don’t have to wait for a film to come out that’s based on a book you spent all year slagging off, despite having no intention of reading it. Still, cocks and boobs eh? Hurray!

Now put ’em away.

Melanie Griffith (right) and her daughter Dakota Johnson arrive at the In Style Magazine and Warner Bros. Studios post Golden Globes party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles, USA Monday 16 January 2006. See PA Story SHOWBIZ Globes. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Photo credit should read Ian West/PA.

Posted: 4th, September 2013 | In: Books, Film 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink