
Anorak News | Blobfish is the champion of minging animals

Blobfish is the champion of minging animals

by | 12th, September 2013

blob fish ugly

ALL animals, in their own way, are preposterously ugly. They defecate everywhere and probably eat their own sick while mating in public.

However, the demonstrably beautiful human race need to decide which of our beastly cousins is the ugliest. So we did a poll and took some votes while animals ate each other in the wild.

And of course, the winner was the blobfish, named the ugliest on the planet.

The blobfish, with its face like perished ham and an air of utter misery, topped a poll featuring some of the planet’s weirdest looking creatures.

Thousands voted for the blobfish to become the new mascot for the Ugly Animal Preservation Society (UAPS) in partnership with the National Science + Engineering Competition. The ugliest animal shortlist can be seen here. And Christ, some of them are vomit inducing, such as the titicaca scrotum frog and pig-nosed monkey.

Naturally, there’s a nice thing behind all this. We humans don’t just want to point out the flaws of other creatures (unless you write for Heat magazine, of course). The campaign’s aim is to give ugly animals threatened by extinction a voice and is backed people like Stephen Fry and Simon Pegg.

Brian Cox said: “I support the ugly animal campaign, there are too many people trying to save cute animals. They get all the press, and all the attention. Ugly animals are more deserving than cute animals. So I think it is a superb campaign.”

Simon Watt, biologist and president of the society, added: “We’ve needed an ugly face for endangered animals for a long time and I’ve been amazed by the public’s reaction. For too long the cute and fluffy animals have taken the limelight but now the blobfish will be a voice for the mingers who always get forgotten.”

Awww. Aren’t humans adorable?

Posted: 12th, September 2013 | In: Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink