
Anorak News | Jeffrey Wagner stands for Minneapolis on a ticket of clingy underpants and not strippers

Jeffrey Wagner stands for Minneapolis on a ticket of clingy underpants and not strippers

by | 15th, September 2013

Jeffrey Wagner,

VOTE Jeffrey Wagner for mayor of Minneapolis, because you can trust a man in wet clingy underpants.

And a vote for Jeffrey is vote for his therapy: he promises to stop frequenting strip clubs and get women to serve him coffee. So. “Wake the f*ck up” voters.

The problem is Wagner’s beard. It’s the kid of face fuzz that says ‘ I go to strip clubs for research purposes’.

Is Anorak  beardist? Does the goatee beard make Wagner look iffy, as if he has something to hide? Either that or else he is a psychoanalyst testing our prejudices…

YouTube link.

Posted: 15th, September 2013 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink