
Anorak News | Top 10 weird reasons that couples break-up

Top 10 weird reasons that couples break-up

by | 25th, September 2013

PEOPLE break up for stupid reasons. Seen So, I Married An Axe Murderer? Someone got dumped in that because they ‘smelled of soup’.

Well, has done a survey to find some of the bizarre reasons why Britons have ended a relationship.

One answer put a break-up down to a partner’s excessive sex toy collection, while another stated that they dumped their beau because they refused to wash their Sunday league football kit.

Some men said they split with girlfriends because of a creepy nan, while the ladies blamed bad aftershave, heavy breathing and not cutting their fingernails.

More than 1,900 men and women from around the UK, aged over 18, took part in the survey into the fickle nature of people.

“Some of the reasons uncovered by our poll were fickle to say the least,” explained David Wain-Heapy, the site’s founder. “In some of the instances cited, you have to think the partner probably had a lucky escape.”

Top 5 strangest break-up reasons (by men)

1. ‘She had too many sex toys, which was a bit intimidating to be honest.’

2. ‘She repeatedly ignored requests to leave the toilet lid up, which affected my ease of use.’

3. ‘Her nan kept giving me the eye, and it creeped me out.’

4. ‘I faced the embarrassment of playing in a dirty kit when it wasn’t washed in time for the weekend.’

5. ‘My mates told me she was ugly all the time and I couldn’t take the banter.’

Top 5 strangest break-up reasons (by women)

1. ‘The way he pronounced certain words really wound me up’.

2. ‘He wore an aftershave that I hated so I finished with him.’

3. ‘He never flushed the loo so he had to go.’

4. ‘He didn’t cut his finger nails often enough which made me feel physically ill.’

5. ‘His constant heavy breathing just got too annoying’.

Please, dear readers, feel free to add your own daft reasons for splitting up with a partner or, indeed, reasons you’ve heard friends give for ditching their loved one.

Posted: 25th, September 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink