Baby gives birth to its own twin (video)
WANNA puke? Well, doctors in China discovered a two-year-old boy who was carrying an undeveloped foetus inside his stomach. Yes, really.
Xiao Feng had to undergo an operation to ‘give birth’ to his own parasitic twin.
The poor sod(s) got rushed to the operating room after arriving at hospital with a gigantically bloated stomach, according to reports from various press rooms.
Doctors say the foetus took up two thirds of Xiao’s stomach, which understandably caused all sorts of problems, includin breathing difficulties for the child.
The unborn foetus measured 20cm in width, which is weird enough, but it had also formed a spine and limbs, as well as fingers and toes.
It was also clearly evil as doctors believed that the parasitic twin would have killed Xiao if it had been left untreated. Normally, twins separate in the womb or, one gets consumed by the other.
However, this one went weird. Would you like to see a video of the whole thing? Good.
Posted: 1st, October 2013 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink