
Anorak News | As seen on eBay: ‘Half-Chewed Cole Haan Wingtip by Emerging Canine Artist, Left Shoe, Size 11.5D’

As seen on eBay: ‘Half-Chewed Cole Haan Wingtip by Emerging Canine Artist, Left Shoe, Size 11.5D’

by | 14th, October 2013

jack chew 1

AS seen on eBay: “Half-Chewed Cole Haan Wingtip by Emerging Canine Artist, Left Shoe, Size 11.5D”

The emerging artist is a Dalmatian mix called Jack from Lee County, Virginia.

chewed shoe



The blurb:

Introducing Half-Chewed Cole Haan Wingtip by the emerging canine artist, Jack. This unique presentation of a meticulously destroyed dress shoe is the first of its kind by Jack. The piece features absent toe and vamp portions of the shoe, removed through a secret chewing process, known only by the artist, with razor-like precision but requiring brute strength. The shoe has been severed painstakingly from the upper fine-grain leather through the inner lining to the bottom sole. Half-Chewed exhibits only the finest craftsmanship, as is characteristic of works by Jack. For the performance aspect of the piece, the artist ingested the dissected portion of the shoe. In a post-modern twist on interdisciplinary performance art, there was no audience for his act of passion.

The work has been interpreted by contemporary art critics as a statement on class in the wake of the American recession, a painful and complex subject for the modern American dog. Due to the nature of the artist’s process, the collector who places the winning bid will no doubt hear gasps of “How in the hell?,” “Oh my God,” and “Was he using a chainsaw?” upon displaying the piece.

jack the chewing dog

About the Artist

Jack has been active for some time in the world of artistic defacement popularized by prominent figures such as Banksy… many possessions have become blank canvases for Jack’s defacement techniques. Some of his earlier performance and mixed-media works include Berber Carpet Removal, 400-Thread-Count Sheet Shredding No. 1, A Million Pieces of a Bluetooth Headset, Exposing the Mysterious Innards of a Couch Cushion, Urinating on My Owner’s Sister’s Bed, Freeing of the Garbage from the Shackles of the Glad Bag, and of course, the well-known 400-Thread-Count Sheet Shredding No. 2.

This listing is only for the artist rendering of the left shoe. The right shoe is reserved for a well-dressed amputee. The artwork will be packaged in a presentation-worthy box for the winning bidder. Proceeds from the sale of Half-Chewed will be applied to replacing items destroyed for the sake of canine art.

Question & Answer Answered On

Q: In admiring Jacks canine artistic ability, I admired how he did his work with such precision, he did not even untie or disturbed the bow. What talent. I would like to see what he could do with a Mud Grip Tire. Oct-13-13

Q: I wanted to let you know that I’ve included Jack’s newest work in my humanities classes at Robert Morris University. It is important for university students (honors students in particular) to stay informed on emerging outsider artists. His alignment with Banksy’s illegal art is interesting but does he see his raw materials as being “stolen” or indeed belonging to the arts universe? 

Q: I must say that this work seems a bit derivative of pieces created by my own canine artist, Spike, (1995-2008), whose oeuvres included: “Destruction of Toilet Paper, the White Album” (1995) “Puppy Poop in Brown, #’s 1-21” (1995-96); “Vomit” (1995-2008) “Death of Rat in Basement, with Maggots” (2004) “Mailman on the Run, With Blood (1997) I’m wondering if they studied together or if your artist was completely original? Regards, Peter in Marblehead Oct-08-13

Q: Does the copyright transfer with the sale of this piece of art? Will there be a certificate of authenticity? Oct-07-13

jack chew

Posted: 14th, October 2013 | In: The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink