Watch a weatherman eat cat vomit, live on air
AN American news report took a turn for the worse when a weatherman ate cat puke live on air. Weatherman Scot Haney made viewers recoil in horror when he ignored the five-second rule after noticing something on the floor which he fancied eating.
He thought they were grape nuts.
His colleagues looked on in disgust as he chowed down, mainly because someone was eating things off the floor, which is peculiar enough, especially if you’re mid news report.
However, it soon transpired that he was being more disgusting than he initially thought, as it dawned on him that it was actually his cat’s vomit he had stepped in earlier.
Haney comments it ‘tastes like shoes’ before pulling off his shoe to show viewers at home.
“I just ate cat vomit, I thought it was grape nuts! Omg!!!” he later tweeted. “I thought they were grape nuts on the floor, I ate them. It was actually cat vomit that i must have stepped in at home. It came off my shoe.”
Watch here.
Posted: 14th, October 2013 | In: Strange But True, TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink