
Anorak News | Me and David Miliband: Once upon a time the the Daily Mail loved ‘evil’ Ralph Miliband

Me and David Miliband: Once upon a time the the Daily Mail loved ‘evil’ Ralph Miliband

by | 16th, October 2013


FUNNY how newspapers work. The Daily Mail called Ralph Miliband “the man who hated Britain”. The paper used the world “evil” in a hatchet job on Ed Miliband’s dad. But when in 2008, high-flying Mail staffer Ted Verity wrote about David Miliband, Ed’s big brother, Ralph got a different billing. (Only two Mail online articles are linked to Verity and both are about his mate David):

First impressions were underlined later that evening when David and I – who were both studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) – went for our first Oxford drink together.  We headed for The Turf pub off Holywell Street, a favourite of Hardy’s Jude The Obscure, and I led the way to the bar. ‘I’ll have a half of bitter,’ said David…

But there was something else, too. David, although thoroughly middle-class, was the heir-apparent to a Labour dynasty…

Despite his self-confidence, his academic qualifications were distinctly underwhelming – two grade Bs and a D at A-level. David, it turned out, was one of three Corpus PPE students who had arrived on an Inner London Education Authority scheme to get pupils from the capital’s comprehensives to Oxford.  A worthy scheme, no doubt, but it’s hard to imagine that David Miliband was the kind of deprived inner-city pupil the founders had in mind.  His father was the eminent Marxist historian Ralph Miliband, whose work loomed large on our syllabus.

In this other David & Me piece, Verity repeats the half-pint anecdote and notes:

His favourite book was that noted page-turner, British Capitalism, Workers And The Profit Squeeze by our economics tutor Andrew Glyn – a close friend of David’s father, the Marxist writer Ralph Miliband.

Can it be that if the paper’s editorial staff are your mates, you get a good press and if they’re not, they slate your dead dad?

Posted: 16th, October 2013 | In: Politicians, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink