
Anorak News | Courtney Stodden Stars On FashionMINGA.Com Red Carpet

Courtney Stodden Stars On FashionMINGA.Com Red Carpet

by | 20th, October 2013

WE are indebted to D-listed for pointing us towards  LA’s


Is it a fashion site for mingas?

Fashion Minga is a collaboration of designers, performers, and tastemakers coming together to celebrate the various components that inspire fashion: music, dance, color, shape and visual elements.

But Minga..

“Minga” is an Ecuadorian term for “a community coming together to work for the benefit of all”. 

So. It isn’t just a British term for, as the Urban Dictionary defines:

a male or female who fell out of the ugly tree at birth and hit every branch on the way down
God that girl/boy is so minging she really needs to work on her personality


The red carpet even for FashionMINGAS featured Courtney Stodden, that renowned tastemaker:


Posted: 20th, October 2013 | In: Celebrities, Fashion 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink