David Boon Where Are You? Australian Driver Drank 90 Full Strength Cans Of Melbourne Bitter
TREVOR Alexander Warren, 51, of Dundee Beach in the Northern Territory, Australia, told Bathurst Local Court he’d consumed “between 80 and 90 full strength cans of Melbourne Bitter beer“ before driving. He had eaten nothing.
When police pulled over Warren’s Holden utility, they noticed the smell of alcohol coming from the car.
Warren said he’d emptied his last tin at 6pm the night before. When police breathalyzed him, the dial showed a measurement of 0.108, placing him in the mid-range.
Magistrate Michael Allen found Warren guilty of drink driving and suspended his licence for six months. Warren was also fined $450.
We also recall David Boon, the Australian Test cricketer whose legendary status rests on his top score: 52. That was the number of ‘tinnies’ he put away on the plane from Australia to England en route to the 1989 Ashes series. The record still stands, despite erroneous reports that England rugby player Mike Tindell had broken it. (Tindell’s attempt, according to team mates, ended in peaceful sleep over Italy, although he was reportedly not far off the target.)
Boon’s epic triumph was achieved with no fuss – those were the days when holding your drink meant keeping control. OK, they weren’t massive cans, and it was only Australian beer, but respect is due nonetheless.
Those were also the days when Qantas staff colluded in such feats by keeping score, and indeed, the captain of the plane congratulated Boon and invited him to fly the plane for a few minutes. The first part of that sentence is actually true. On arrival, Boon survived a press conference, had a few more beers at a reception, and slept for 36 hours, missing two training sessions. He was fined $5,000 by the team manager, but made considerably more from capitalizing on his exploits with beer sponsorship…
Posted: 21st, October 2013 | In: Sports, Strange But True, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink