
Anorak News | Rocketman: Tom Hardy To Play Obvious Doppelganger, Elton John (Eddie Murphy Busy)

Rocketman: Tom Hardy To Play Obvious Doppelganger, Elton John (Eddie Murphy Busy)

by | 28th, October 2013

film rocketman

IF you were given the job of finding an actor who looked like Elton John, one of the last people you’d choose was Tom Hardy. You’d inevitably go for Eddie Murphy before him, as at least he could play the entire cast of the film with a variety of masks (and he’s got previous when it comes to making soulful pop).

Yet, here we are, looking at a musical biopic called Rocketman, which will feature the man-mountain who played Charles Bronson and supervillain Bane in the last Batman movie, as the little Candle In The Wind singer.

Focus Features, who are making the film, said that Tom is the perfect choice to play Sir Elton.

CEO Peter Schlessel said:

“Tom is quickly becoming known as one of the world’s most versatile actors, and like others at the top of their craft, he has proven his ability to transform himself completely into the character or subject found in the material. We are confident that Tom will embody the physicality and spirit of Sir Elton”

He’ll need to be able to embody the spirit because surely, what with the height difference and everything else, Tom Hardy is going to look more like Mick Ronson, parading around with knee-high boots and coal-miners hands.

Hardy will also be playing Mad Max in a reboot of the iconic post-apocalyptic 80s flicks, which makes much more sense than the Elton John role.

Ironically, Hardy as Sir Elton will probably be the more distressing of the two.

Posted: 28th, October 2013 | In: Celebrities, Film, Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink