Arsenal: Gunners Chairman, Manager And Chief Scout Tony Adams Says Ozil Is A Real Madrid Cast Off
THE time for Arsenal fans to panic will be when Tony Adam gets anywhere close to running any aspect of the club.
It was Chairman Adams who said of Sir Chips Keswick:
“Chips is a great guy but not a very imaginative choice – and he is 73. If they just wanted a figurehead, they should have gone for me”
Manager Adams noted:
”One hundred per cent I’d like to be Arsenal manager. Of course my heart says ‘yes, yes, yes’, but my head says ‘can I win with this current team?’ My answer is no, I can’t and I am not sure anyone can. I would want assurances if I walk through the door, those assurances meaning I’m given the go ahead to build a new team. I would get my teeth into building a new team but to achieve that, you would need to spend.”
Financial Director Adams added that it is impossible to “buy success”.
TONY ADAMS has revealed how he told Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger NOT to sign Gareth Bale because he wasn’t up to much as a defender.
And can we forget Tony the team player:
“I don’t actually like people. I’m a loner and if I had my way I’d just walk my dogs every day, never talk to anyone and then die.”
All that is build up to Tony’s latest words of wisdom.
“Ozil’s signing was fantastic – let’s have some more.”
That from Adams the scout who opined way back in June when Arsenal were looking to buy Higuain (the Sun says they did):
“My fear is that if Real don’t want him, you are coming in under that. If you want to compete with Real Madrid you don’t get their cast-offs. You need the best players in the league to win the league.”
No prizes for knowing where Arsenal signed Ozil from…
Posted: 4th, November 2013 | In: Arsenal, Sports 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink