
Anorak News | ‘Sweetie’ Is After You Paedos

‘Sweetie’ Is After You Paedos

by | 11th, November 2013

ARE you a paedophile? Stop it and put it away. If you want to have sex with a child, then perhaps you should re-invent The Krankies. If not, you’ll be offered a Sweetie.

Of course, we’re not talking about giving humbugs to child-abusers, but rather, there’s a computer generated child called Sweetie who is out to catch you weird sods.

And more than a hundred Britons were among the thousand caught trying to pay Sweetie money to perform sex acts online, after a children’s charity set up a fake profile.

Terre des Hommes carried out their 10-week honey trap in Holland, posing on video chat rooms as “Sweetie”, a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines. 20,000 men got in touch and 1,000 offered her money. The worst offenders were from America, UK and India, although, you can assume the Daily Mail will blame Muslims somehow.

The names of these men were passed to police.

Project director Hans Guyt told a news conference in the Hague on Monday that the crime “requires a new way of policing… The predator won’t come forward. The victim won’t come forward. We identified ourselves as 10-year-old Filipino girls. We did not solicit anything unless it was offered to us.”

Managing director, Albert Jaap van Santbrink, said: “Our worst-case scenario is that the same will happen with this phenomenon as with child pornography, which is now a multi-billion industry in the hands of criminal gangs.”

Andy Baker, of the UK’s National Crime Agency, had reservations, saying that “tackling child sex abusers is best left to specialist law enforcement agencies”, but cheered up slightly by adding that it had “widened awareness of a global child sex abuse threat”.

“Working with our international law enforcement partners, we will now look at the information being passed on by Terre des Hommes,” he added.

And for those child abusers out there thinking you’ve got this all worked out – Sweetie will not be used again. She’s been retired and new projects are being ushered in.

Sap on you.

Posted: 11th, November 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink