
Anorak News | A Firework Hits Buckingham Palace (Gif) As Her Majesty Gets A Yangban Mask For A South Korea Banquet (Photos)

A Firework Hits Buckingham Palace (Gif) As Her Majesty Gets A Yangban Mask For A South Korea Banquet (Photos)

by | 6th, November 2013

WRITES Brendan O’Neill of last Guy Fawkes’ Night night’s protest outside Buckingham Palace:

As the general public burnt effigies of the Catholic reactionary Guy Fawkes, radicals were dressing up as him and screeching at parliament. Further proof that ordinary people are more progressive than what now passes for the left.

A firework was tossed at the Palace:

buck palace firework



Behind the mask one notable face was seen (the beard is his own):


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Meanwhile…inside the Palace, the Queen was hosting a state banquet for South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye:




And – get this – she has her own mask. A Yangban mask that was presented to Queen Elizabeth II by the Mayor of Andong.



Makes a change from that Guy Fawkes face mask.

Posted: 6th, November 2013 | In: Reviews, Royal Family 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink