
Anorak News | Dayna Morales: Waitress Denied Tip For Being Gay – Internet Goes Crazy And Lovely

Dayna Morales: Waitress Denied Tip For Being Gay – Internet Goes Crazy And Lovely

by | 15th, November 2013

UPDATE:   A husband and wife tell NBC 4 New York they did leave a tip. They say they have a credit card statement as proof. The tip was a generous $18. The wife says: “We’ve never not left a tip when someone gave good service, and we would never leave a note like that.”

Morales adds: “I don’t know, all I know is what I’ve been saying.”

Morales had recently announced that people were sending her tips from all over the world, and was donating some of the money to the Wounded Warrior Project. “I just felt like people have a right to know that — it’s fine if people want to donate to her or to the Wounded Warriors, but they’re doing it under a false pretense,” the wife said.


This is the original story:

WE all know that idiots get weird around gay people. Presumably their brains get tied in knots because they constantly and vividly imagine all that sex they do. They get a clear image in their minds about glistening gay naked bodies all writhing around. That’s because, absolutely 100% across the board, bigots are all a bit pervy.

And so to a waitress in New Jersey who had her £10 tip withheld and was left a crappy note by a bigoted customer, allegedly. She says she was denied her tip because she is a gay woman. She told the internet and now, she’s been inundated with more than £1,000 in donations from around the world.

no tip

Dayna Morales was criticised because of her perceived sexuality and the receipt for a $93.55 was left on the table with the message: “Sorry I cannot tip because I do not agree with your lifestyle & the way you live your life.”

Morales, it turns out, was a Marine and slagging off veterans in America is worse than burning the stars and stripes. Now, thanks to nice people, she’s received more than $1,200 in donations via Paypal within 24 hours, and the total is still going!

“It blows my mind and puts the biggest smile on my face to know that so many stand behind me and are out there willing to help. I’m speechless I really am,” she said.

Internet 3, Bigoted Customer, 0.

Posted: 15th, November 2013 | In: Money, Reviews, Strange But True, The Consumer 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink