Dave’s Killer Bread Founder Smashes A Life-Sized Cutout Of Himself And Goes Bonkers
“HE went into the store and he smashed a life-sized cutout of himself because he’s the symbol of a brand,” says the witness to the 911 operator in Washington County. “And he’s intimidating employees that are watching him. Basically, talking … preaching.”
David James Dahl, 50, founder of Dave’s Killer Bread is behaving erratically. Dave, once a criminal, was redeemed by his organic bread line.
Police arrive. Dahl then, as they claim, climbs into his car and rammed three police vehicles. He then fights with police, who taser him.
“I don’t think people want to use him as a role model anymore, but I don’t think you should discount the positive aspects that he was able to accomplish,” adxs Anne Carter, the General Manager at the Medford Food Co-Op.
But what about the bread?
“It is a really good bread, very healthy, a variety of grains and nuts and seeds in it.. I hope people recognize the quality of Dave’s Killer Bread and separate it from this incident.”
Posted: 17th, November 2013 | In: Strange But True, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink