
Anorak News | Watsky’s 30ft Stage Dive Goes Wrong… Wanna See The Video?

Watsky’s 30ft Stage Dive Goes Wrong… Wanna See The Video?

by | 18th, November 2013

george watskMUSICIANS are adorable aren’t they? They’re never too bright and they get silly ideas and see them through without thinking about it. Look at Johnny Borrell’s entire career. Look at Thom Yorke thinking he’s a clever man. It’s sweet.

Anyway, rapper Watsky has had to apologise for being ‘stupid and wildly irresponsible’ after leaping from a lighting rig and injuring two people during a London gig.

Performing at the Vans Warped Tour at Alexandra Palace, he decided to climb up the light rigging and leap from 30ft in the air into the crowd.

However, what with an adult-sized man falling from the sky, the crowd understandably stood aside, but our Watsky whacked two people as he landed and broke one woman’s wrist and sent a man to hospital.

Watsky got off lightly and told Facebook fans that he’s “fine” apart from “some nicks, bruises, and the shame of endangering the crowd”.

He added: “It was stupid and wildly irresponsible, plain and simple. I have no excuse for my actions, and the only way I can explain my mindset is that it was a huge overreach in the heat of the moment.”

“I feel f***ing terrible. I made a boneheaded decision that got people hurt, and it’s extremely lucky it wasn’t worse. Putting your own body on the line is one thing, but putting other people in harm’s way is inexcusable.”

Shall we have a gawp? Here we go.

Posted: 18th, November 2013 | In: Music, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink