
Anorak News | Oh No! Major Character From Family Guy Gets Killed Off!

Oh No! Major Character From Family Guy Gets Killed Off!

by | 25th, November 2013


SPOILERS. Sorry, the first word of this article was so blunt, but there’s people out there who are so feeble, so jumpy, so gawpingly pathetic that they need to be told about the contents of an internet article, or indeed, absolutely everyone’s social media feeds, in case someone spoils a TV show or film for them.

Some people rant about spoilers for films that are decades old. You’ve have your chance buddy. Shit, or get off the pot.

Anyway, to the spoiler, and a major character has been killed off from Family Guy. Killed off! Just like that. Gone. A beloved comedy character to people who really like puerile Simpsons’ rip-offs! Gone!

And which one is it?

Well, Seth MacFarlane decided it was time that Brian joined the choir invisible. The dog got hit by a car and killed to death during the episode Life of Brian, which aired in the States over the weekend. In the episode, Stewie destroys his time machine and the Griffins adopted a new pet.

There’s really no point you watching it now is there?

“We thought it could be a fun way to shake things up,” says Steve Callaghan who produces the show in an executive manner. “It seemed more in the realm of a reality that a dog would get hit by a car. As much as we love Brian, and as much as everyone loves their pets, we felt it would be more traumatic to lose one of the kids, rather than the family pet.”

If only Peter Griffin had been murdered in cold blood.

We digress. Brian is not only killed, but replaced with a fast-talking new dog named Vinny (voiced by The Sopranos’ Tony Sirico). They should’ve replaced him with Poochie.

Of course, this saw Twitter users hammering the hashtag #BringBackBrian. Maybe it’ll work. Maybe no-one really cares about dogs in the build-up to Christmas.

Posted: 25th, November 2013 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink