
Anorak News | Brits Are Most Adventurous Lovers, Says Sex Survey

Brits Are Most Adventurous Lovers, Says Sex Survey

by | 26th, November 2013

sex uk

THINK of some sexy people. The Swedes – they’re notoriously comfortable with their bodies, if soft pornography taught us anything. The Germans too. Seen how small their Speedos get? Or maybe some South American country is the sexiest? They’re all passionate and live in a perpetual state of shouting and arousal.

Well, thanks to a sex survey, we now know that the most adventurous when it comes to sex, the British have it. Presumably thanks to years of suppressing our feeling and dire weather, we’ve realised that every day can be a carnival in the sack.

The study of 15,000 people’s sexual behaviour also reveals that Britain is more tolerant of same-sex experiences… but less forgiving of sex outside marriage. Sucks to be someone having an affair with someone of the same sex while married before you come out to everyone.

The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles was first carried out in 1990 and has been repeated every 10 years and the latest results show that, of those aged 16-24, 31% of men and 29% of women had sex before the age of 16.

It also shows that pensioners are also at it all the time, with 60% of men and 42% of women aged 65-74 reported having at least one sexual partner in the previous year.

Lead author Dr Cath Mercer, from University College London, said: “As men and women are living longer, have healthier lives and continue to have active sex lives well beyond their reproductive years, we need to view sexual health and wellbeing as an issue of lifelong importance.”

The results show people are becoming more experimental with their sexytimes at all ages and that women are closing the gap on men when it comes to the number of sexual partners they have. Women aged 16-44 now have an average of 7.7 partners, compared with 3.7 in 1990. Well done women. It is really time you joined men in that rarified air of desperate longing and neediness for approval that comes with ploughing your way through condoms in a bid to stave off despairing loneliness.

There has been a small increase in men who have ever had a same-sex partner – up from 3.6% to 4.8%.

But there has been a big rise in women having a same-sex partner, up from 1.8% to 7.9%.

However, while we’re more swashbuckling than we used to be, it seems we’re having less of it. We used to do the nasty six times a month Britain! Now it is under five! Have you got a headache? Do you not like this new scent? ARE YOU HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH FRANCE?

Apparently, sex isn’t as frequent because fewer people are married or living together. It is all the recession’s fault.

Professor Kaye Wellings, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who also contributed to the report, said: “The change in women’s behaviour across the three surveys has been remarkable. In some areas of sexual behaviour we have seen a narrowing of the gender gap, but in others we have seen women overtaking men in the diversity of their behaviour.”

“These trends need to be seen against the backdrop of the profound changes in the position of women in society, the norms governing their lifestyles and media representations of female sexuality.”

So there you have it, you dirty buggers. Newspapers can now stop writing ‘no sex please, we’re British’ on things now.

Posted: 26th, November 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink