
Anorak News | Man Swaps His Testicle For A Nissan 370

Man Swaps His Testicle For A Nissan 370

by | 26th, November 2013

download (7)HOW much do your balls mean to you? Or indeed, do you sleep with a ball-having partner and have grown rather fond of them? Well, thank the stars you’re not seeing the car lover who is selling one of his testicles for £22,000 so he can buy a Nissan 370.

That’s right. A Nissan.

Mark Parisi doesn’t seem to mind the idea of being a ball down and seemingly has rather simple tastes, giving up a nad for a car that is thunderously unexciting.

You’d let him off if he was offering his stones for a Ferrari, wouldn’t you?

He confirmed his scrotal news to the shocked presenters of US TV show The Doctors by saying he was flogging his left nut to medical researchers and using the money to buy a new vehicle.

See the man below and well done to one of the presenters for making a wisecrack.

Posted: 26th, November 2013 | In: Reviews, Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink