Kooky Wedding Video #305,389: Is This The Best Or Worst Ever?
AMERICANS, and no-one else on Earth, have decided to turn their weddings into blockbusting events, with people recreating the Dirty Dancing movie, doing the dance from Thriller and generally spoiling it for everyone with a variety of stunts that are worse than a thousand flashmobs.
And so, to Florida, where a couple – Adam Bohn and fiancee Michelle – got hitched and wanted to do it with a bang.
Instead of exchanging vows, getting the hell out of there so people could hurry the photos along and get to the important part of the nuptials – eating and getting drunk – this pair decided to fight.
We’re talking a very, very long choreographed fight, including Batman, Iron Man, some ninjas and ageing WWE star Jimmy Hart.
Bohn – also known as Artix – and his now wife, set up the ‘Battle Wedding’ after being inspired by the groom’s own online role playing game AdventureQuest Worlds.
The sad thing is, by the time you get to the kiss, it looks like Adam has actually convinced himself that he’s Artix, for real.
Of course, we’re being very sniffy here, but the whole video is SO MUCH, that it is almost impossible to tell whether all this is the greatest thing we’ve seen… or the worst.
Have a look and help us make our minds up.
Posted: 5th, December 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink