
Anorak News | Spotify Launch Free Music Service For Mobiles

Spotify Launch Free Music Service For Mobiles

by | 13th, December 2013

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SPOTIFY are going allow users to pick specific songs for streaming on their mobiles as of next week in a new free service.

The Wall Street Journal have reported rumours of the new service and it is suggested that it will give you music based on your input, with users picking tracks and putting them in a playlist where you’ll be able to listen to them, on shuffle, for a limited number of listens. If your playlist isn’t long enough, Spotify will fill in the blanks with random tracks.

Of course, there’ll be ads.

Spotify already offers a free mobile service in The States but that doesn’t allow users to pick specific tracks without paying. Obviously, there is already a free ad-supported service on desktops, but Spotify could clean up with this latest freemium idea.

This is the latest feature to be unveiled after Spotify released a number of new tools and data that enable artists to track playback of their songs.

With 24 million users globally, Spotify are clearly going for the jugular, which will no doubt irritate a load of indie bands (have you noticed that only indie bands sulk about the royalty rate from Spotify while everyone else in dance, pop and hip hop have worked out a new model and have loads of money?).

There’s no official word from Spotify as yet, but our source (who requested anonymity) is familiar with the company and, when this rolls out, other music services will need to up their game and quick.

Posted: 13th, December 2013 | In: Music, Reviews, The Consumer 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink