
Anorak News | Petition Asks David Cameron To Put An End To Dirty Music Videos

Petition Asks David Cameron To Put An End To Dirty Music Videos

by | 18th, December 2013

Music - 8th Annual MTV Video Music Awards - Universal City, Los Angeles

YOU may not know, but Robin Thicke is the first man ever on Earth to be featured in a clip with some naked women for spurious reasons. We checked on Twitter and the outrage confirmed it.

And his Blurred Lines video really caused a stink, to the point that it has prompted a petition urging Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron to change the law and ban children from watching dirty music videos online.

Of course, children are terrifically clever and they’ll be bypassing any parent locks and filters, completely avoiding the ‘Blurred Lines’ video and heading straight to the XXX stuff. They’re not daft. Not nearly as daft as adults who think anyone can do anything about people making whatever saucy stuff they want and certainly not half as idiotic as people who think there aren’t ways round it all.

The online petition (often about as useful as a fireguard made from entirely flammable materials) aimed at Cameron has been posted on and has attracted more than 15,700 signatures.

That’s 15,700 people who have completely wasted their time.

The document is accompanied by a picture from Thicke’s video, reads, “Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke… shows naked women cavorting around fully clothed men and lyrics that seem to promote rape. Unfortunately, this video is one of many which portray women… as sex objects and men as sexual predators. Some of the videos by Miley Cyrus, Calvin Harris, and Justin Timberlake are perfect examples… I am asking you to put age-ratings on videos, whether sold in shops or viewed online. The digital revolution means that sharing these images is far easier than in the past and so they have much wider impact…”

Meanwhile, in every single decade of history, children have been able to see naked bodies, find dirty stuff to gawp and chuckle at and the most determined children were those who were most strenuously denied any smut.

Well done to all concerned.

Help Dave here.

Posted: 18th, December 2013 | In: Celebrities, Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink