
Anorak News | DiCaprio Annoys PETA Who Want Jar Jar Binks Rather Than Animal Actors

DiCaprio Annoys PETA Who Want Jar Jar Binks Rather Than Animal Actors

by | 20th, December 2013


dicaprio monkey

IN his new film, Leonardo DiCaprio does something really, really awful – persists in having that Nearly Beard. However, it isn’t Leo’s goatee that has caused a kerfuffle, rather, PETA are going after him and calling for the actor to stop working with animal actors.

His new flick, The Wolf Of Wall Street, has garnered some heat for its use of a chimpanzee provided by the Rosaire family. Apparently, this family are notorious for operating a travelling circus that forces animals to perform “cruel and unnatural acts”. Of course, Hollywood is equally guilty of making human beings perform cruel and unnatural acts too, but sod those guys.

PETA further alleged that the American Human Association provided this particular chimpanzee – who goes by the name of Chance – with an on-set monitor who had no experience with primates. In the film, you see Chance being dragged by DiCaprio through a busy office party in the movie.

A statement issued by PETA says: “Chimpanzees are physically abused and taken from their mothers at an early age before being forced to work in Hollywood.”

Again, same with acting humans. We trivialise and digress.

“With today’s advanced computer-generated imagery, there’s no excuse for subjecting animals to this kind of cruelty for the sake of entertainment. PETA hopes that Leonardo DiCaprio will listen to his more than 36,000 fans who have already signed the online petition and pledge never to work with great-ape “actors” again.”

This means PETA would rather cause greater suffering by having our beloved animal actors replaced with Jar Jar Binks, a CGI character so loathesome that half the world’s population threw itself into the sea (hence, rising water levels – it isn’t global warming at all).

DiCaprio failed to respond, presumably because he was trying to work out how long PETA will promote his new film for him, for free.

Posted: 20th, December 2013 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink