
Anorak News | WWII Asia Jewish Forces

Israel And Palestine 1920-1948: The Story In 100 Photos

WWII Asia Jewish Forces

Among the Jewish refugees who have battled British authorities in recent months, in resistance to British refusal to allow them to enter Palestine, are the men, women and children who came here on the overcrowded Knesset Israel (Jewish Assembly). Seeking a homeland after years of Nazi oppression and war, the 3854 refugees on the boat were forcibly transferred to three British vessels waiting in the harbor, for deportation. With tin cans as weapons, the refugees for a time held off the British in a battle in which many of the Jews and British soldiers were injured. British soldiers, after the transshipment, remove a sign posted on the bow of the Knesset Israel by the refugees in Haifa, Israel on Dec. 4, 1946, warning the British against reprisals for anyone killed or wounded. (AP Photo)

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