
Anorak News | WWII Middle East

Israel And Palestine 1920-1948: The Story In 100 Photos

WWII Middle East

Down in the Jordan Valley, one of the hottest parts of the world, is thriving forage farm near the little town of Beisan. Not long ago it was practically waste land. Bedouin tribes wandered across it, feeding their flecks on the short scrubby grass, hushes and camel thorn. There was no natural irrigation and much of the land was bone dry. Some 1,400 acres comprises thriving farm growing forage for army horses. The land has been cleared irrigation organized, good seed planted and modern farm machinery brought into use. Spring 1943 saw a fine crop of tall waving. It was out by machinery and stacked ready for baling. The forage it produces soaves shipping space and even railway transport, and does not deplete local stocks repaired by the civilian population. Harvesting the first hay crop. Driver Lewis of Hassan, the Arab some advise on the driving of a tractor in Israel in April 1943. (AP Photo)

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