
Anorak News | Justin Bieber And 20k’s Worth of Egg Damage: How The Star Faded Like Nilsson Said

Justin Bieber And 20k’s Worth of Egg Damage: How The Star Faded Like Nilsson Said

by | 13th, January 2014

THE funny thing about Justin Bieber is just how according-to-type he is. He started off life as a gyrating foetus and slowly turned himself into an enfant-terrible. We could all see it coming. He couldn’t. Gradually, he went from wholesome to brat, eventually landing at ‘troubled’.

In a week where David Cassidy got pulled by cops for drink-driving, AGAIN, Justin Bieber charges down that same path, being the archetypal boy pin-up who lost his way. Once a cutey Christian, Bieber spat and swore until now, where we find ourselves looking at the weirdest bit of criminal damage in pop history.

Where angry popstars usually lob furniture out of windows and punch a pap or two, Bieber can’t let go of the child in him, preferring to attack a neighbour’s house.

With eggs.



Bieber, it was been widely reported, got into it with his neighbour and allegedly hurled eggs at his home while getting into some verbal rucking with the man in front of his 13-year old daughter. The girl, probably a Bieber fan, will be wondering which side to take. Presumably the smell of rotting albumen on her bedroom window might be the deal breaker.

It seems the Los Angeles Sheriff Department may pursue felony charges against the singer because they have evidence of his crime and, to be frank, they’re now tired of him flouting the law.

In order to be charged with a felony in California, you have to  cause a minimum of $400 in damages. Sadly for Justin, his egg throwing has apparently cost $20,000 worth. Was he throwing ostrich eggs?

It seems that the entire front of the neighbour’s house must be re-plastered, while various doors need to be re-stained. More to the point, Bieber hasn’t apologised for any of this, which means there’s a grudge-a-brewin’.

The case will be soon referred to the L.A. County District Attorney, who will inevitably file vandalism charges against the singer, before he settles out-of-court.

However, this problem won’t go away in a hurry because the grudge lives next door. Bieber fans, who have grown up with the singer, will no doubt stand by him, however, as we’ve seen before, the passing fans will move on, tired of this brattish behaviour.

If only we’d all listened to Harry Nilsson…

Posted: 13th, January 2014 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink