Kanye West Batters Someone For Being Racist
2013 really was Kanye West’s year. He was brilliant, divisive, outspoken, produced a host of great tracks for other artists, self aggrandised, made a bafflingly good album, argued, made crazy videos, showed off his super hot wife, had a baby, tackled the idea of race head-on and generally gave the world world a shot of energy simply by being.
2014 however, has started off a little more troublesome for Yeezy, as the multimedia machine finds himself under investigation by the Beverly Hills Police Department after a man told police he’d been assaulted by the superstar.
The man who got beat down apparently held the door open for Kim Kardashian as she entered a building to meet West for an appointment and a source says the man began yelling racial obscenities at nearby paparazzi. As he shouted “f*** you n******, Kardashian told him his choice of words were “not cool,” so he turned on her.
TMZ.com allege that the man in question yelled “I will kill you, b****!,” before calling her a “n***** lover.” Kim then called up Kanye and when the guy realised Kanye was on the phone, he said: “F*** you N*****.”
Then, Yeezus arrived. The couple followed the man into a nearby chiropractor’s office and then, if the reports are correct, Yeezy rightly lamped the guy.
“The named suspect was identified as Kanye West by the victim and several witnesses,” police said in a statement obtained by numerous outlets. “Mr. West had left the location prior to officers’ arrival. As of this writing, BHPD detectives are conducting a follow-up investigation.”
Other reports say the assaulted man knew exactly what he was doing and that this was wholly a plot to sue or settle.
West still has misdemeanor counts of criminal battery and attempted grand theft pending in L.A., after a previous encounter with a photographer in July at Los Angeles International Airport.
If convicted, and this on top, he could spend a year in prison.
Posted: 14th, January 2014 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink