
Anorak News | Morrissey To Release New Albums – Everyone Awaits The Beef

Morrissey To Release New Albums – Everyone Awaits The Beef

by | 17th, January 2014

FOR a vegetarian, Morrissey doesn’t half thrive on beef. Every time he has something to plug, like a second division rapper, he gets out his broadsword and starts thrashing away at anything popular or generally, whatever cross that brain of his.

And now, Moz has inked a deal for his new solo album, with Capitol/Harvest Records looking mediocre sales in the second half of 2014, mainly from the few who use the True To You online fanzine.

According to a statement given by the longest face in town, Morrissey is “thrilled” with the new contract. He’ll be off to France to record the album, working with his longtime/long suffering touring band.


“Private lives” feature from Patches magazine, 1984.

“Private lives” feature from Patches magazine, 1984.

Harvest Records are a subsidiary of Universal Music and have signed him up after years of sulking about getting dropped. Morrissey claimed that labels only want to sign “new discoveries… so that that label alone is seen to be responsible for the rise of the artist”, adding: “I don’t have any need to be innovative in that way … All I have to offer the world are songs.”

Of course, he’s being doing perfectly well without his music, selling a shedload of his autobiography and he’s currently penning his first novel.

The new record will invariably get mixed reviews thanks to Mozza being a divisive figure – people tend to fawn or beat Morrissey releases as they’ve half-written their reviews in their head before they’ve even heard a note.

Still, it is fair to assume that it won’t sell all that well because Morrissey has become increasingly mediocre in his later years, only being value for money when being a bitch in interviews.

At least everyone can look forward to that.

Posted: 17th, January 2014 | In: Celebrities, Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink