Putin Says He Likes Elton John (Just Not The Other Gays)

Youngsters Karen Davies and bradley Luxon, dressed as Little Bo Peep and Elton John, turn out for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee street party in St. Stephen’s Street, Bow, London Date: 07/06/1977
AS well you know, Russia has been saying some spectacularly dumb things about the LGBT community. In return, the gays and right-minded people have been telling Russia to stick it up their collective hole and piss off while they’re doing it.
And now, with Elton John speaking against the country’s anti-gay law, Vladimir Putin has decided to proclaim his love for Sir Elton, saying that he’s “an outstanding musician”.
Putin again insisted that he doesn’t discriminate against gays and claims that he is a big fan of the singer, saying: “Elton John is an outstanding person (and) outstanding musician. Millions of our people sincerely love him…”
Wait for it.
“…despite his orientation.”
During a show, Elton spoke of his anger at Russia’s laws, saying: he was “sad to learn” of the law banning “propaganda of homosexuality”, adding that the whole thing is “inhumane and it is isolating”. He then dedicated his Moscow’s Crocus City Hall show to Vladislav Tornovoi, a young man tortured and murdered in Volgograd for being homosexual.
Putin yesterday said that these laws “does not offend anyone”, adding: “People with non-traditional sexual orientation cannot feel like they are second-rate because they are in no way discriminated against: not professionally, not career-wise, not when it comes to recognition by society.”
Vladislav Tornovoi’s family will no doubt disagree with that idea.
Posted: 20th, January 2014 | In: Celebrities, Politicians, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink