
Anorak News | Rolling through the Bay: One Man Takes 100,000 Toothpicks, A Pingpong Ball And 35 Years To Create His Vision Of San Francisco

Rolling through the Bay: One Man Takes 100,000 Toothpicks, A Pingpong Ball And 35 Years To Create His Vision Of San Francisco

by | 28th, January 2014

SAN FRANCISCO as seen by Scott Weaver is an intricate glue-and-toothpick-made sculpture he calls Rolling through the Bay. Visitors are a pingpong ball, rolling though the city’s landmarks and boroughs. He says:

I have used different brands of toothpicks depending on what I am building. I also have many friends and family members that collect toothpicks in their travels for me. For example, some of the trees in Golden Gate Park are made from toothpicks from Kenya, Morocco, Spain, West Germany and Italy. The heart inside the Palace of Fine Arts is made out of toothpicks people threw at our wedding.

It took him 35 years to make.


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Photos: Flickr 

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Posted: 28th, January 2014 | In: In Pictures, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink