
Anorak News | Watch A Man Run Over A Cyclist’s Foot In London And Then Punch Said Cyclist (Video)

Watch A Man Run Over A Cyclist’s Foot In London And Then Punch Said Cyclist (Video)

by | 28th, January 2014

A wrecked bicycle after a crash involving a bus. Date: 04/09/1936

A wrecked bicycle after a crash involving a bus.
Date: 04/09/1936

YES, yes. We all know that cyclists can be really annoying. They sometimes run red lights on empty roads and mount the pavement when drivers can’t. And yes, we know that they’re mostly bearded, middle-aged men who drink porters and have pot-bellies from a enviously rich diet… but really, when it comes down to it, they’re probably going to die if you toy with them on the road.

That pretty much makes you a murderer for not liking someone because they read The Guardian.

With that, a video is doing the rounds of a motorist getting out of his car to punch a cyclist square in the face after another cyclist caught the incident on camera and stuck it on YouTube.

He wrote: “Driver of white Audi KW13 CWA possibly runs over cyclist’s foot at traffic lights, then passenger punches cyclist when confronted. Filmed on a Sony Action Cam during a review for Sports Performance & Tech Magazine.”

The punch took place at the junction of Farringdon and Clerkenwell Roads and the video shows the Audi pulling into an area designed for cyclists.

The cyclist tells the man in the car: “This is a cycle area”, before the driver speeds off, reportedly running over the cyclist’s foot. The cyclist then goes after the car (followed by the cameraman) and catches up with him at the next set of lights, swearing at him.

He also says: “You ran over my foot mate!”

Now, if you swear at an Audi driver (face it, Audi drivers are the new BMW wankers), they’re likely to get out and lamp you, even if they are guilty of something. However, you can understand why someone might want to swear at someone who has just driven over their foot.

Either way, someone gets out of the car and smacks the cyclist in the chops.

The cameraman said: “I have reported this to the police, I am trying to find the cyclist as I tried to tell him I had it on video, but he looked pretty dazed.”

Watch the video here and take sides.

Posted: 28th, January 2014 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink