
Anorak News | What’s New at The Brit Awards This Year?

What’s New at The Brit Awards This Year?

by | 31st, January 2014

Boy George and his band Culture Club with Michael Jackson's sister Latoya. The band won Best British Group and Best Selling Single for 'Karma Chamleon'. Latoya was there to collect the award for Best Selling Album for her brother for 'Thriller'.

Boy George and his band Culture Club with Michael Jackson’s sister Latoya. The band won Best British Group and Best Selling Single for ‘Karma Chamleon’. Latoya was there to collect the award for Best Selling Album for her brother for ‘Thriller’. 1994.


THE Brit Awards – the British recording industry’s lavish work’s do – is less than 3 weeks away and a slurry of famous faces will be trudging through the doors of the O2 Arena, hiding cocaine in their underwear, getting wasted in front of their label bosses and making unpleasant sexual advances toward interns.

Should be great.

However, there’s new things afoot for the 2014 bash. Apparently, they’re going to stream the event globally (or, if you prefer, ‘put it on the internet’) and are going to hand out new awards. Oh, and they’ve got a new statue designed by Philip Treacy and we’ll be able to do things via Twitter.

Remember all of these things the next time someone from the record industry blubs about them not having the money they once had.

So, yeah. The Brits will be broadcast on YouTube for the first time, meaning that people outside the UK will be able to watch acts that probably didn’t chart in their country perform songs they’ve never heard of.

That said, there are some famous acts set to be on-stage; Arctic Monkeys will be there with their new brand of treacly pedestrian dadrock, while Katy Perry will probably have a headline worthy cleavage and Bastille and Lorde will fight it out to see who can be most kookily awkward in a bid to look like awards aren’t their thing.

Disclosure will be there too and they’re amazing.

On top of all that, there will also be a brand new Social Vote Award for British Video, where viewers will be voting through the broadcast via Twitter. Nominees are decided based on YouTube views, which means someone already popular will win, which is zero fun or suspense.

James Corden is the host again and it’s going to make for compulsive and awful viewing. See you there.

Posted: 31st, January 2014 | In: Music, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink