Brendan O’Connor Scores The First Interview With Pussy Riot ‘Girls’ And Then Makes A Complete Hash Of It
AFTER the furore caused by their incarceration, Pussy Riot are free to travel and to talk. Irish talkshow host Brendan O’Connor has the scoop. To him the first interview with Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina.
He kicks things off by dressing like a 1950s GI man. He then talks about kissing them. Does he kiss all his guests? Does he call all women “girls”? Does he call all men “boys”, including the black ones?
(O’Connor then says the Irish ‘kids” representing Ireland at the Winter Olympics are “not Irish as such”. A touch of controversy there.)
He ends by saying that Madonna is “proud of you”. Why? Is she their mum? Their guiding light? No. It’s because Madonna is a “fellow freedom fighter”. The mention of Madonna gets the treatment it deserves.
But this interview was never gong to be easy. O’Connor is a would-be comedian who once appeared as part of the band Fr. Brian & The Fun Loving Cardinals. He’s looking to entertain. Better, perhaps, had he asked the women to play a song than feature them in a light studio chat about oppression and prison conditions:
Posted: 4th, February 2014 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink