Keep Your 95 Krone: You Lucky People Can See Marius The Giraffe Murdered And Chopped Up For Free (Video)
MARIUS the 18-month-old giraffe was murdered at Copenhagen zoo this morning. He was shot.
Marius was killed because he was deemed to be useless for breeding. His genes, you see, were too common. Having been killed. Marius was chopped up as a crowd looked on. Bits of Marius were fed to the lions, who gobbled him down.
The Yorkshire Wildlife Park, near Doncaster, had offered to give Marius a home. No-one had asked Marius if he wanted to the live in Yorkshire. And now it’s not an option.
Bengt Holst, scientific director at the zoo, goes on the record:
“We have been very steadfast because we know we’ve made this decision on a factual and proper basis. We can’t all of a sudden change to something we know is worse because of some emotional events happening around us. It’s important that we try to explain why we do it and then hope people understand it. If we are serious about our breeding activities, including participation in breeding programmes, then we have to follow what we know is right. And this is right.”
Got that? To breed more giraffes it helps to put one in a cage and then shoot in in the face.
What about chopping up Marius before a crowd?
“People are fascinated by it, both adults and children, and they would like to hear stories they normally don’t have access to. I think that’s good. It helps increase the knowledge about animals but also the knowledge about life and death.”
Zoo spokesman Tobias Stenbaek Bro added:
“I’m actually proud because I think we have given children a huge understanding of the anatomy of a giraffe that they wouldn’t have had from watching a giraffe in a photo.”
For 95 krone, under 11-year-olds can now answer the question ‘What does Marius look like inside out?’
Adults paid 160 krone for the knowledge.
Posted: 9th, February 2014 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink