
Anorak News | Commuting Artist Gives Fellow Travellers Comic Heads

Commuting Artist Gives Fellow Travellers Comic Heads

by | 11th, February 2014

THE daily commute can be a miserable affair. The wrong leaves on the line. No line. No trains. No driver to drive the train. Cripplingly expensive tickets prices. Bad food. Braying berks have loud conversations down mobiles. The ticket inspector waking you ip to see your ticket and tick with their biro – the ticket you need to buy before you can get on the train and have to push through an electronic barrier to escape the station – that one!  The lack of broadband. But here to help brighten the trip is the artist who turned your head into a cartoon character. Rest easy – you’re being watched and lampooned:


train heads 12


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train heads 1

train heads


Spotter: Karen S.

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Posted: 11th, February 2014 | In: In Pictures, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink