
Anorak News | Who Wants To Hear The Worst Song Of 2014? You Do, Miley Cyrus

Who Wants To Hear The Worst Song Of 2014? You Do, Miley Cyrus

by | 12th, February 2014

MILEY Cyrus has become a punchline, it’s true. However, the former Disney employee is slowly growing into a woman and making some clunky mistakes along the way, as well as some roaring successes. Recent photoshoots have shown a woman growing in confidence, less likely to rely on an awkward tongue sticking out, and on record she’s made some wonderful, sophisticated trappish ballads, masked by the behemoth – and not that brilliant, but neither that awful – hit, Wrecking Ball.

Fact is, she’s still working out who she is and, with that, she’s going to fu*k-up now and then.

miley is shit


Her father, on the other hand, is old enough to know better. However, he doesn’t and has, without doubt, contributed to the worst song of 2014 and, once you hear it, you’ll know that it is unlikely to be worsened by anyone else this year.

Billy Ray Cyrus has released a rap version of his 1992 hit Achy Breaky Heart.

Achy Breaky 2 features a rapper named Buck 22. His Twitter page says something about: “the new revolution of Country Music mixed with Hip-Hop. Join the movement.”

Someone’s heard Avicii’s ‘Country House’ (and we all know, nothing called ‘Country House’ is ever pleasing on the ear) and thought: ‘WE’LL HAVE SOME OF THAT!’

Anyway, Achy Breaky 2 takes something as wonderful as country and mixes it with something as wonderful has hip hop… but like someone mixing custard and sausages, the two wonderful things show that great things don’t necessarily go together.

The promo video kicks off with Larry King announcing “an unidentified flying object seen transcending over Europe,” before Cyrus and Buck 22 appear, only to be abducted by a spaceship filled with sexy aliens.

They then butcher music itself while some people twerk (they don’t actually ‘twerk’, but rather, ‘dance provocatively’, but people can’t be bothered finding out what’s different between ‘twerking’, ‘bogling’, doing the butterfly and all the other dances).

Enough chat. Dive straight in to the worst song you’ll hear this year.


Photos: The wonderful 14

Posted: 12th, February 2014 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink