
Anorak News | Bruce Jenner Bids For Michael Jackson’s Face

Bruce Jenner Bids For Michael Jackson’s Face

by | 14th, February 2014

CELEBRITY does really peculiar things to people and one of the most noticeable is any kind of body dysmorphia. Famous people crash diet under huge scrutiny and, sometimes very visibly, have a load of plastic surgery done.

But they’re all really rich, so sod ’em! Let’s laugh at ’em! HAHAHAHA!

Michael Jackson was one superstar who just couldn’t identify with the body he woke up with every morning. Such was his dependency on surgical procedures and medication, it ultimately killed him. And it was terrifically sad to watch a man who was such a super human, dissolve before our very eyes.

And now, Bruce Jenner – the man about the house on Keeping Up With The Kardashians – is seemingly going through something similar to Michael Jackson. The narrative is troubling.

Regardless of whether you think he’s worth our time (let it be known however, that Jenner isn’t just That Guy From That Kim Kardashian Programme, but in fact, a gold medal Olympic athlete), there’s a man being scrutinised by the press and the only scrutiny more intense is the one he’s placing on himself.

Once upon a time, America knew Bruce Jenner as the champion athlete. He looked like this.




More recently, his appearance was different and grew ever more different as each year went by. His cheeks looked higher and more prominent. His nose was thinner. He started to wear his hair long.

The press and associated social networks began to snigger. Looked like Jenner was going to try and become a woman. Whether that’s true or not, it isn’t something to find funny. When people change their sex, the huge emotional turmoil and painful procedures that need to be undertook are anything but amusing.




However, this is the enlightened year of 2014 and people still say ‘tranny’ or sneer at any mental illness like it somehow makes a human weak.

Now, sources close to the Kardashian family are saying that Bruce isn’t changing his sex, but rather, suffering from an addiction to plastic surgery, itself something in need of support rather than hoots of derision.

This statement has been met with “OOOOOH! HE’S HAVING A MID LIFE CRISIS!” rather than – ‘Jeez. Is he okay? Maybe someone should offer him some help…’.

Sources say that he’s trying to relive his youth. He’s riding a Harley now. He’s moved to Malibu. He’s changed his nose. He’s changed his neck. The sources are convinced he’s struggling with age, while admitting that his family – those that actually care, rather than scurrilously hooting about it all – tried to stop him from repeated surgery and told him how great he looked.

He’s obviously not listening. So, to help, everyone is queuing up to mock.

Of course, this is a celebrity, far from our reaches and never likely to hear our views about his well-being. Some of us may not even care. Don’t know him, doesn’t matter. However, there’s a line of think that correlates with this collective shrug – for every celebrity suffering from this kind of destructive thinking, there must be people you know who feel the same.

Instead of ruthlessly knocking their new haircut, their decision to wear make-up or whatever it is they do; might be worth being supportive or reaching out, rather than sniggering about it over coffee when they’re not there.

Posted: 14th, February 2014 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink