
Anorak News | Rich People And Poor People, United By Drugs

Rich People And Poor People, United By Drugs

by | 18th, February 2014

In this Aug. 29, 2013 file photo, farmer nicknamed Breezy shows his illegal patch of budding marijuana plants during a tour of his land in Jamaica's central mountain town of Nine Mile. Breezy says Americans, Germans and increasingly Russian tourists have toured his small farm and sampled his crop. In Latin America and the Caribbean, where countries including Mexico and Chile have decriminalized possession of small amounts of drugs, there is significant public opposition to further legalization. But top officials are no longer as fearful of offending the U.S., which has provided billions of dollars to support counter-narcotics work in the hemisphere. (AP Photo/David McFadden, File)

In this Aug. 29, 2013 file photo, farmer nicknamed Breezy shows his illegal patch of budding marijuana plants during a tour of his land in Jamaica’s central mountain town of Nine Mile. Breezy says Americans, Germans and increasingly Russian tourists have toured his small farm and sampled his crop. In Latin America and the Caribbean, where countries including Mexico and Chile have decriminalized possession of small amounts of drugs, there is significant public opposition to further legalization. But top officials are no longer as fearful of offending the U.S., which has provided billions of dollars to support counter-narcotics work in the hemisphere. 

LABOUR’S shadow welfare minister has said that Britain’s wealthiest people are just as likely to be addicted to drugs and booze. We should probably stop knocking poor people then shouldn’t we? Right?

Not likely as, you may have noticed, television has of late, turned into the poverty stricken version of bear baiting. Shows like Benefit Street and a whole variety of panel shows where Katie Hopkins gets to earn money by making people angry have corralled people with no money, pointed at them, mocked and then told them they’re not being poor properly.


Naturally, people can have jobs, buy huge television sets and a car and then, BANGO! When they become poor, they’re poor people with a massive telly.

Of course, the narrative is that they must be scrounging in some way because they’re not being skint by the textbook. And of course, poor families have always had problems with addiction, gambling and getting pissed too much. When life gives you lemons, you turn it into the strongest hooch possible.

And now, Chris Bryant from Labour is pointing out that rich folk like a drink and doing drugs and that you shouldn’t slate Benefits Street unless you’re prepared to have a pop at Billionaires’ Row.

The street known as Billionaire’s Row – the huge piles on The Bishop’s Avenue in Hampstead – are equally problematic. Some of the richest in the world have houses there and they currently stand empty or derelict after being bought as investments.

Mr Bryant said: “I thought to myself, if you went to the richest street in this country, which is Bishop’s Avenue in Hampstead, and there’s 99 houses, you’d find they have exactly the same number of people who are drug addicts, alcoholics and have exactly the same problems.”

What’s that I hear cried out? At least posh people don’t impact on British tax payers like those on benefits do!

See, there’s this little thing called tax evasion and legal loopholes that ensure that, fantastically wealthy people can live in Britain without helping to pay for the roads you drive on or the bins you get emptied.

And it isn’t just the extremely poor/wealthy either. Self-employed people diddle their taxes/maximise their expenses and go to any town centre, filled with people spending their wages on pills and wraps of cheap coke, and you’ll find that some of the things used as ammo against the poor are actually attacks on everyone.

Looks like clean-living, honest tax-payers are the minority they’ve always been. Funny how loud they’ve got lately… maybe they don’t want us to know that they’ve thrown a sickie at work, which cost British business £29 billion last year. The evil bastards.

Posted: 18th, February 2014 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink