
Anorak News | Katy Perry: Now Single, Blasphemous And Hating Religionists For Allah Pendants

Katy Perry: Now Single, Blasphemous And Hating Religionists For Allah Pendants

by | 27th, February 2014




TOUGH week for Katy Perry. First off, and most pertinent to her well being, she’s split up with fellow superstar John Mayer. She’ll be upset by that no doubt, but alas, she should be aware that the whole of religion is pretty pissed off with her too.

You see, Katy’s new video for Dark Horse has been criticised by religious groups for being blasphemous!

Of course, religious groups could do absolutely nothing with this notion and have some confidence in their god that, cometh the hour of judgement, the all-seeing one will send her to some hellish eternity.

However, religious people have zero confidence in god. That’s why a lot of them charge around shouting things at heathens and, in this instance, starting an online petition. Because online petitions solve everything don’t they? Remember when that online petition didn’t stop that Danish zoo from chopping a giraffe up before a bewildered audience?

Anyway, Perry’s new video sees her dressed up like Cleopatra (presumably offending the Egyptian gods – or do religious people not believe in those gods anymore, because they’ve arrogantly replaced them with some different ones?) and wearing an Allah pendant.

Shazad Iqbal has launched a petition on, which has nearly 60,000 completely useless signatures, calling for YouTube to remove the video.

He writes: ‘Such goes to show, that blasphemy is clearly conveyed in the video, since Katy Perry (who appears to be representing an opposition of God) engulfs the believer and the word God in flames.”

“This is the reason for lodging the petition so that people from different walks of life, different religions and from different parts of the world, agree that the video promotes blasphemy – using the name of God in an irrelevant and distasteful manner would be considered inappropriate by any religion.”

See? No faith in God. How ironic.


Posted: 27th, February 2014 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink