
Anorak News | Iggy Pop Wants A Kettle, Bob Hope And Fat People From Miami: The Tour Rider In Full

Iggy Pop Wants A Kettle, Bob Hope And Fat People From Miami: The Tour Rider In Full

by | 5th, March 2014



IGGY Pop, star of one of the greatest rock photos of all time, the man who faked Lou Reed’s death, Richard Wilson look alike, ToTP teddy molester, performer of the most revered failed stage dive, the man for whom the show did not always go on, has created one of the most memorable tour riders for his shows.

Well, Pop’s road manager Jos Grain has, as The Smoking Gun reports on the “Marvellous and Most Instructive Information Document…. Including Utterly Confusing Comments and Asides.”

The 2006 rider , has been followed by the 2012 tour.

In 2006, Iggy wanted:

“Somebody dressed as Bob Hope doing fantastic Bob Hope impersonations and telling all those hilarious Bob Hope jokes about golf and Hollywood and Bing Crosby. Oh God, I wish I’d been alive in those days, so that Bob Hope could have come and entertained me in some World War 2 hell-hole before I went off and got shot. What joy they must have experienced…”

In  2012, Iggy wanted:

“OR Seven dwarves, dressed up as those dwarves out of that marvellous Walt Disney film about the woman who goes to sleep fro [sic] a hundred years after biting a poisoned dwarf, or maybe after pricking her finger on a rather sharp apple… or something. What was the name of that film? Oooh, it’s on the tip of my tongue. Was it Cinderella? Doesn’t matter, we just want the dwarves. Taller people are acceptable, of course. It’s attitude, more than altitude, that’s important here. Don’t forget the pointy hats! If neither of the above are available we will settle for a belly dancer. In fact, she can use my belly to dance on…”

Iggy is no fan of Ron ‘Happy Days’ Howard:

“Apparently Iggy met that Ron Howard once. You know, the ugly, baldy one out of Happy Days. Directs films. Got one of those faces you’d never get tired of punching.”


Iggy Pop's tour rider


Spotter: DM 

Posted: 5th, March 2014 | In: Music Comment | TrackBack | Permalink