
Anorak News | Listen To Daft Punk, Jay Z and Kanye’s Collab Leaked Online

Listen To Daft Punk, Jay Z and Kanye’s Collab Leaked Online

by | 11th, March 2014

daft punk



AT the moment, Kanye and Daft Punk (above) are so hot. Everything they do is leapt on, prompting furious debate, fandom and craziness. And then there’s Jay Z. Jay Z’s pretty much past it, but he won’t care because he’s fantastically wealthy and married to Beyonce. Like he’d care what anyone thinks about anything.

And now, with clickbait catnip, there’s a tune featuring all three artists on the same song!

The track, which you can hear below, is called ‘Computerized’ and a lot of people are having kittens. It was leaked onto a Yeezy fansite as an unreleased track. As this writer has previous in fooling the world’s press with music parodies and hoodwinkery, alarm bells went off before hearing a second of the track.

Having heard it, this is what we do know:

The backing track is an edit of ‘Son of Flynn’, which is a track from Daft Punk’s Tron: Legacy OST. It is layered with a vocoder, which anyone with a laptop can do.

Then, there’s the Jay Z verses. There’s loads of references to gadgets and emails, which regrettably, are exactly the kind of crap Hova would do, thereby making this plausible. The verses are definitely his and not on any of his albums and, we all know that rappers record gigantic amounts of material which ends up leaked on torrents and the like.

And the beat? Well, Kanye’s too good for what we hear on ‘Computerized’, which is a huge clanging clue that this is probably a prank by some bedroom producer.


This is a leak and not an official release, so the fact it sucks means that it could be true, because it was never meant for full release. Then again, I would stick up for those pranking the press, wouldn’t I?


Posted: 11th, March 2014 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink