
Anorak News | Lindsay Lohan Compiles A Cast List Of Everyone She’s Slept With In Hollywood’s Petrie Dish

Lindsay Lohan Compiles A Cast List Of Everyone She’s Slept With In Hollywood’s Petrie Dish

by | 13th, March 2014

CELEBRITIES, really, are supposed to be badly behaved. What is the point of being wealthy, popular and good looking if you’re not goin to rinse it for all it is worth? As fame is more likely to leave you than stay with you for life, you should spend your time in the limelight leading the life we’d all like to do, if only we could throw sickies off work for months at a time and money wasn’t an issue.

And so, to the brilliant Lindsay Lohan who had problems with drugs, drink, driving, jewels, fist fights and rehab, all the time, managing to do some acting and show off her boobies in some magazines.

As well as all that, she managed to have sex with some of the most famous people in the world, cementing our plebian jealousy.


lohan sex list


In Touch magazine claims that Lindsay, while dossing about with friends at a hotel, wrote a list of 36 former shag buddies encountered in Hollywood’s Petrie Dish. The names included James Franco, Heath Ledger, Colin Farrell, Justin Timberlake, Zac Efron and Adam Levine.

That’s quite the variety.

“‘They were giggling and talking bleep about people in the industry,’ a source, who watched as Lindsay write the list, told In Touch . ‘It was her personal conquest list. She was trying to impress her friends with the list and then tossed it aside’.”

Sadly, In Touch blurred out most of the names, but you’d imagine that they’re holding onto them just in case.

‘The list has some pretty big names on it, and they’re not all single guys,’ said the insider. ‘This getting out now could rock several Hollywood relationships to the core.’

That is, of course, assuming that this list is indeed People LiLo Has Humped. It could equally be A List Of People LiLo Thinks Have Nice Bums or, indeed, A List Of Random Names Thrown Toward An Assistant To See If They Could Be Trusted, And Now It Is In The Papers, It Turns Out LiLo Can’t.

We’ll have to wait and see.

Posted: 13th, March 2014 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink