
Anorak News | Now Look What Their Doing To Kurt Cobain: He’s A Musical

Now Look What Their Doing To Kurt Cobain: He’s A Musical

by | 3rd, April 2014

Kurt Cobain's stash box

Kurt Cobain’s stash box


WHEN Kurt Cobain died, a whole generation lost one of their favourite icons. While he wasn’t necessarily a spokesperson for everyone through his songs, there was something very pleasing about his stance against business, phoney or otherwise. He was just about the only superstar who actively championed bands who needed the publicity as well.

Can you imagine any band now hailing the virtues of Teenage Fanclub and The Vaselines on international TV?

However, Cobain died and we didn’t see his like again. So what became of his legacy? Well, it didn’t take too long for unreleased music to get hastily stuck on some compilations and Nirvana t-shirts to get reissued by the buttload. And then Cobain appeared in a video game, which was fun but weird.

And now, Courtney Love (bless ‘er) is saying that she wants to stage a Kurt Cobain musical. Y’know? Like Queen, Abba and The Spice Girls?

Of course, only a couple of years ago, Love said that “sometimes it’s best just to leave things alone”, but clearly, the mortgage payments are getting a bit tight.

Speaking to NME, Love said that she and Frances Bean Cobain decided to do a musical, provided they can “reach up to the highest shelf and select a team of the greatest and most respected writers, producers and directors”. We hope it gets somewhere close to the quality of Planet Of The Apes: The Musical, starring Troy McClure.

Love reckons they were persuaded by “tons of Nirvana fanmail” and support for the idea on social media, which seems incredibly unlikely.

“There would have to be a story, and a great story – one that hasn’t been told before,” Love added, which will “resurrect” Cobain’s legacy “not only for the world to see, but more importantly for our daughter to see”. “I know her father’s spirit will be on that stage, and sitting in that theatre with her will be the most emotional experience of our lives,” she added.

While Cobain had no beef with pop music and popular culture, you can’t help but think he’d be embarrassed, weirded-out and generally unhappy at the idea of someone making a musical about him.

We can only wait and see.

Posted: 3rd, April 2014 | In: Music, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink