James Franco On Cloud 17: Conspiracy Theories And 1970s-Style Honest-To-Goodness Perviness For Teenage Girl
AS you’re probably aware, arch-hipster James Franco has been rumbled online, trying to tap off with a 17 year old Scottish girl. A variety of messages were batted back and forth, with Franco being a little persistent in trying to get his end away.
Now, there’s something of a conspiracy theory, which sees some people saying that this is a sly publicity stunt for his new film – Palo Alto – where plays a football coach who seduces his 14-year-old baby sitter.
Either way, something very interesting and troubling happened in the immediate fallout – the press, initially, were rather amused by it. The tone was “Whoopsie! Caught with your pants down! Arf!”
Franco contacted Lucy Clode, 17, and she screengrabbed their conversation.
The actor asks her where she’s from, how long she’s in New York, who she’s with, where she’s staying, and whether or not she has a boyfriend.
Lucy explains her trip was a gift for her 18th birthday, which was in a few days, to which Franco responded: “You’re 18?” before asking for her number, adding: “You’re single? Where’s your hotel? Should I rent a room?”
Then, after some toing-and-froing, the whole thing fell apart and here we are, not before Franco tweeted something about not being into under-age girls and how parents should keep their teens away from him.
Now, clearly, Franco has done nothing wrong or illegal. However, the response to it all was interesting. If the incident involved an older man, or say, a black rapper, you know that this would’ve been blown up and furious in reply.
You can assume that the tone would have been ‘vile creep’ and absolutely included the word ‘preying’. However, James Franco is young and hip, so the narrative is ‘har har! How embarrassing!’ rather than accusations of predatory behaviour on young impressionable women.
Naturally, if this is a publicity stunt and Franco is making a point about the skewed narrative, good on him. Sadly, the press at large are more than happy to apply a double standard on this one.
Posted: 4th, April 2014 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink