Steve Jobs Biopic Stars Danny Boyle and Leo DiCaprio

Personal computer pioneer Steve Jobs of NeXT Computer Inc., shows off his NeXTstation color computer to the press at the NeXT facility in Redwood City, Calif., on April 4, 1991. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)
EVER looked at Steve Jobs and thought: “There’s a guy I’d like to watch a film about!” Imagine the thrills and spills as Jobs goes to the bank to get a loan! Gasp as Jobs does some soldering on a motherboard! Swoon as he buys 30,000 black turtle neck sweaters!
Good news! Danny Boyle and Leonardo DiCaprio could well be working together on a biopic of the Apple Honcho.
The film will be based on the biography by Walter Isaacson about Jobs, which was released in 2011. It follows on from the film ‘Jobs’, which starred Ashton Kutcher, which no-one watched.
Apparently, Sony Pictures are not deterred and are in cahoots with Boyle and his Oscar, for their biopic on the life of late Apple CEO. And Boyle wants DiCaprio, who of course, starred in Danny’s film, ‘The Beach’ which was released in 2000.
There’s more. It seems that the movie is being written by Aaron Sorkin, who you’ll know from The Social Network and West Wing.
It’ll be fascinating watching a film which shows a recreation of some overly long keynote speech or the unveiling of the first iPod. Won’t it? Who needs exciting kung-fu films or heartbreaking tales of love and loss when you can watch a man being excited about processors?
Posted: 22nd, April 2014 | In: Celebrities, Technology 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink