
Anorak News | Tomes Of Shame: Awful Nonfiction From The 1970s

Tomes Of Shame: Awful Nonfiction From The 1970s

by | 28th, April 2014

THE sad truth is, nonfiction garbage is hard to come by.  Libraries regularly cull their shelves, ridding the world of their outdated and tacky tomes.  Plus, how many people are going to display any one of these books in their home library and endure the subsequent deep and abiding shame?  Not many.  So, they end up on the trash heap, gone forever…. That is, until someone like me resurrects them (at least their covers) for your viewing enjoyment.  You’re welcome. 


1972 TFH Book - Dog Horoscopes

Dog Horoscopes (1972)


Your Horoscope for Today:  With Venus moving into gentle Pisces this week, you will feel a distinct urge to dry hump human legs.  You may even decide to accept a friend’s invitation to smell his/her anus.  The afternoon and evening brings the possibility of lots of indoor pooping. 


nonfiction (1)

How To Heal The Sick, Cast Out Devils And Still Go To Hell by R. W. Schambach (1976)


This book is fine, but I’m more interested in the companion volume: How To Live Selfishly, Enjoy Pornography, And Still Go To Heaven.


Enduring Poles by Natsolim (1977)

Enduring Poles by Natsolim (1977)


Finally, a guide to enduring those insufferable Polish people.


Subliminal Seduction by Wilson Bryan Key (1974)

Subliminal Seduction by Wilson Bryan Key (1974)


“Are you being sexually aroused by this picture?”

If your answer is “yes”, I think it owes more to your debilitating alcohol addiction than any advertising trickery.  Is this orange rind supposed to remind me of a flaccid and dismembered sex organ?  If so, then I am most definitely not aroused…. nor will I be for quite some time thanks to this.


More Lives Than One? by Jeffrey Iverson (1977)

More Lives Than One? by Jeffrey Iverson (1977)


In every life this woman was prone to staring blankly upward.  Nutty theories like this were rampant in the 1970s, here’s another…


sbs Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft - Al Manning - 1972

Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft by Al Manning (1972)


Among the many promises offered on the back:

How to use rituals and spells to attract money and prosperity!
How to use rituals and spells to attract and hold a lover!
How to ward off the Evil Eye and protect yourself against Secret Psychic Attack!

It says that the author was an accountant before he flaked out.  Personally, it’s hard for me to take a witch or warlock seriously with those kinds of credentials.

“Morgan La Fey, Enchantress, Tax Professional and Financial Advisor” just doesn’t work.  Neither does “Angmar the Witch King, C.P.A.”


Creative Firing by Chester Burger (1974)

Creative Firing by Chester Burger (1974)


In which we learn how to fire people via poetry or haiku.  Especially interesting is the chapter on creating beautiful watercolor paintings of nature scenes… all signed “you’re fired”, of course.


It Hurts So Bad, Lord! by Andrew D. Lester (1976)

It Hurts So Bad, Lord! by Andrew D. Lester (1976)


Yeesh.  This is just awkward.  Let’s move on…


Sex Therapist: My Story by Amanda Stewart  (1975)

Sex Therapist: My Story by Amanda Stewart (1975)


“Are the new sex therapists part of the legitimate medical community – or are they prostitutes?”

What in the ever lovin’ f**k?  Was this really a question?  I can understand if there was a healthy skepticism about this new profession; however, it seems a stretch to speculate that it entailed having sex for money. (But if it is true, I hope it’s not too late for me to make a drastic career change.)


Ripley's Believe It Or Not 19th Series (1972)

Ripley’s Believe It Or Not 19th Series (1972)


“Is she the bearded lady, or is she part porcupine, or what? [see back cover]”

Ummm.… why in the name of all this holy would you ever think she is the bearded lady?  For the curious, the back cover reads:

  “What she has on her face are ordinary toothpicks broken in half; for some reason, a light touch makes them cling.  Believe it… or Not!”


How to Really Love Your Child by Ross Campbell (1977)

How to Really Love Your Child by Ross Campbell (1977)


We know you’ve been faking it for a long time.  Now, it’s time to learn how to really love that brat.  And once you’ve figured that out, it’s on to that spouse of yours…



How To Live With A Neurotic Wife by Stephen Baker (1970)


Well, it certainly makes things a lot easier if your wife happens to be a stone cold fox…


neurotic wife2


The back cover reads “The author and his (non-neurotic) wife.”

First of all, Stephen Baker obviously used Al Manning’s White Witchcraft to make this happen (there can be on other explanation).  Second, I’m not thrilled with his cocky grin.  We know you did well for yourself, Stephen.  No need to gloat.

Posted: 28th, April 2014 | In: Books, Key Posts 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink