
Anorak News | Call Carlton The Doorman: Broadway Producers Sue Actress Valerie Harper For Having Brain Cancer

Call Carlton The Doorman: Broadway Producers Sue Actress Valerie Harper For Having Brain Cancer

by | 28th, April 2014


YOU can assume that having brain cancer is difficult enough to deal with, but actress Valerie Harper is finding out that there’s things worse than brain cancer.

And that’s having brain cancer and being sued for it.

That’s right! The clearly sensitive and empathetic playwright, Matthew Lombardo and several Broadway producers, are suing someone with a spectacularly dreadful illness!

According to a lawsuit obtained by TMZ, Lombardo and his production team claim that Harper failed to inform them in 2012 that her cancer had returned while she was starring in the play ‘Looped’. The producers noticed something was up when Harper began slurring and forgetting her lines during rehearsals.

Harper then went to see a doctor and she found out that her brain cancer had spread and that she had only 3 months to live.

Of course, devastated at the news, the people running the play did what anyone would do with someone who had a terminal illness and a matter of months left of the planet to say goodbye to their loved ones, and sued the shit out of them.

Lombardo and his co-plaintiffs claim Harper left them insufficient time to find a replacement, because that would have been Harper’s main concern at this point, and want $2 million.

The shred of good news in all of this is that, while Valerie is not yet cancer-free, she is “cautiously optimistic” about her condition.

Someone call Carlton, the Doorman. (It’s Rhoda – aka the Marge Simpson and Garfield Show (With Rosa Klebb And Fonzie)):



Hello, This is Carlton:

Posted: 28th, April 2014 | In: Celebrities, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink