
Anorak News | World Cup Balls: Neymar Is Playing For England

World Cup Balls: Neymar Is Playing For England

by | 7th, May 2014

IN readiness for the World Cup, Brazil’s Globo newspaper has launched a webpage featuring the correct way to pronounce many of the tournament’s players’ names. Now commentators can get those funny foreign names spot on, no longer pronouncing Holland’s Arjen Robben as “Tumbling Tosspot”, as many English pundits do.

It’s fair;y entertaining stuff. But one part stands out: Neymar, Brazil’s great hope, is playing for England. For anyone interested, his name is pronounced “Steve”.


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Ps. Neymar is so good he’s playing for everyone else , too:

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Posted: 7th, May 2014 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink